
Getting started
Theory and documentation
Version history and plans
SourceForge homepage

Last updated: 2004-11-15

<< [2003]
November 15 - 2004 - Monday
Just started to play with 3D engines and have decided to take a
closer look at jME.
If we find we can port stuff easily over to a 3D environment, we'll
do it. Otherwise, we'll probably do it anyway =o).
November 05 - 2004 - Friday
I am working on backporting support for data-driven agents from
my simulator implementation and have cleaned up option handling. I've
just added a system for handling global coordinates in minor maps,
probably not necessary for most things, but is easy to use if you
need a specific coordinate space for a map. Sfera is working on
a network library which we hope to backport into Hazard. We are
also slowly moving towards a transition to 3D graphics and therefore
we are slowly starting to have dependencies towards other
projects, if you want to develop, check the getting started page. The reason
for us not releasing development shots is because we don't have
anything new to show and we won't release 0.3 before all goals we
set up for it are complete =o).
October 08 - 2004 - Friday
Not much fun to report for a long time. I'm adding the images needed
to run a compiled version of the source code here and some hints
on how to develop your own stuff based on HH code. I am working
with a simulator for dialogue systems based on Hazard and Sfera is
working on a chat system which we hope to backport to HH. We welcome
our new member Peregrino!
July 28 - 2004 - Wednesday
Summer vacation is over and work with Hazard and Haphazard will be
picking up again. Will report when I have fun things to report =o]
June 22 - 2004 - Tuesday
Sorry for the complete lack of updates for a while, much and little
has happened the last month. First off, a paper based on Haphazard
software was accepted to a conference and presented there, I'll
get back with some more information when I know more of what conference,
and if I can post the paper here. It was the project mentioned earlier
about a small car simulator. Then, I've had a side project using the
newly split Hazard engine to construct a simulator for a dialogue
system. That took up three weeks of the no-update time ^_^. The
simulator gave me experience in using the Hazard engine and I'm
currently back-porting that experience into the engine and updating
Haphazard to take advantage of them. Main updates lie in the Action
system and how agents are viewed. It is now very convenient to construct
simpler agents. The executions of actions has been moved to actions
and all objects can now have custom properties, for example speed,
if it is lockable and suchlike. This is a step towards better modularity.
Sfera has been hard at work with the map editor and it's starting to
look very good! It is soon summer vacation and I'll try to keep you
updated during the summer, but I won't promise anything ^_^.
And rgfriedl, if you see this, please contact me with a mail that
has a reply address that works!
May 17 - 2004 - Monday
Implementing interactions between agents and total order plans,
not much else happening...
May 05 - 2004 - Wednesday
Fixed dependencies and some more bugs. Released a development snapshot
on the new structure. Please report bugs and other things that we
don't know of!
April 28 - 2004 - Wednesday
Documentation for the agent framework and overview UML for all classes
has been added to the documentation page. I've solved some dependencies
between the new Hazard engine and Haphazard during the last two
days. Only one file still has dependencies, but they are hard
dependencies to crack.
April 26 - 2004 - Monday
During the weekend, Sfera finished the refactoring of the main structure,
and Haphazard was split in half! Major changes :-). Now, we'll get
on with our work with editors, documentation, communication and the lot.
I'm currently
working with the sensor framework and Sfera will continue with the
Map editor in the coming week.
April 20 - 2004 - Tuesday
A refactoring of the Sprite hierarchy is complete, a refactoring
of the sprite editor is looming up and a major restructuring of
all Haphazard code is in the works. It's refactoring week!
April 15 - 2004 - Wednesday
Easter is over and we've decided to release a development snapshot
so that people can see what we are working with. Development
snapshots is mostly just a build of what we currently have and
is not guaranteed to contain any gameplay ^_^. Anyhow, we're
continuing with our work and will release 0.3 when the goals we
set up are complete! Expect some snapshots in the meantime.
April 7 - 2004 - Wednesday
Action framework is complete, Controller framework has been refactored,
a new type of map has been implemented, bugs have been fixed, etc...
We have implemented interactions (pull lever, push button, talk to
farmer, etc.) and are working towards interactions including items
(use spaghetti in toilet, use coin in vending machine, use max on
cat, etc...). All in all, still all busy :-)
March 22 - 2004 - Monday
Action framework is moving along nicely, Sfera is hacking away at
the Map editor and we're currently working on a document that
describes our ideas and goals. All busy :-)
March 15 - 2004 - Monday
The subsumption editor is complete and has been released internally,
it's a bit too untested to release outside of the project as of
now. Hopefully it'll be released with an upcoming editor package.
Sfera has completed refactoring of the window/panel handling and
some bugs has been stomped. I'm currently picking up speed with the
action framework refactoring.
March 05 - 2004 - Friday
Currently, I'm building an editor for using subsumption architecture
for AIs. It's rolling along nicely and a first version will be
incorporated into Haphazard by tuesday next week. Sfera has
climbed the ladder to become an active developer which was sorely
needed, he is fixing bugs, refactoring and have started working on
the much awaited Map editor. Horatio is taking some time off to study
AI, but all in all everything is moving quite fast now. After the AI
editor is done, the Action framework will be iterated. The design
is already done and it will probably make it tons more easier to add
new Controllers and AI. There are new documentation regarding the
Character and Object framework on the documentation page.
Will report next week!
February 27 - 2004 - Friday
Have finished a framework for the subsumption architecture and
finished the framework for sensors. There are also brand new
documentation about the subsumption architecture on the documentation
page. Now, the internal communication system needs to be finalized,
this will help both the multiplayer module and the perception
module lots.
February 18 - 2004 - Wednesday
A minor side project has been completed and now I'm hopping onto
next side project. The first one was a small "overtake" simulator
recently named "Road Hazard" based on the Hazard engine. This
project generated some nice spin-offs for Haphazard, namely the
screenshot functionality, easier to switch between different
controllers, the new Map hierarchy, 2D maps, map wrapping, etc...
The new side project is for a course in something called enactive
artificial intelligence and is basically biological inspired AI.
For this project we're building a subsumption architecture, information
on this will be up on the documentation page when I get the time.
Spin-offs are expected to be: The much awaited major goal perception and
sensors, event handling, an AI editor and a special AI for easy
integration of created subsumption nets.
February 13 - 2004 - Friday
Started to use the SF tracker, so feel free to post bugs/requests etc.
Have fixed some bugs, but most of the week has been very busy with
other stuff, so not much has been done...
February 04 - 2004 - Wednesday
The Haphazard gang has the honour to introduce the new tester/
discusser Sauanimal to the team! He has already contributed with
bug reports in the past and now will take a look at Haphazard
now and then and tell us what we have done wrong and what could
be made to do Haphazard better! Much appreciated comments I assure
you. I made a small development build this monday and sent out to
Sfera and Sauanimal, I got back a ton of suggestions and bugs found ^_^.
So now I'm sitting trying to sort out those things before I
continue. From Sfera I also received a LogHandler to track down
those bugs easier, perhaps I can lure him into the development team?
*maniac laughter*. Horatio found a silly bug he has been haunted by for a
long time, seems like the java XML parser has trouble with windows
line feeds and exhibit very strange behaviour. With a small change
to linux line feeds this was strangely fixed and he has since then
popped out a nice enhancement to the Skill screen and various tweaks
and fixes. Thank you! I've also begun fixing up documentation to the
site as you probably have noticed, I'll try to add more docs as
often as possible!
January 29 - 2004 - Thursday
oho! It seems like I'm slipping the schedule for posting news items
here. I blame it all on excessive coding. Happenings since last
news items is the implementation of: Map wrapping (go "around" maps),
the graphical counterpart where you can see "around" maps, support
for 2D Tile maps (not isometric, which are already supported) and
screenshot functionality. I'm especially pleased with the 2D Tile map support
since I managed to refactor it so that I could use all old code and
get a nice structure for adding other kinds of maps easily. (3D,
Maps with picture backgrounds and so on...). Right now, I'm using
the hazard engine to make a small car simulator for a research
colleague, changes from this work is slowly slipping into Haphazard.
I'll also try to add links here on the website to interesting articles
about techniques that we're incorporating into Haphazard. 'til next
week! tada!
January 20 - 2004 - Tuesday
Things are moving forward! I've managed to integrate some work with
haphazard, but this will mostly result in silly features instead of
those major things listed in the development version. First thing that
I've implemented is value for items which is needed for the future
trade system. Upcoming stuff now are map wrapping and screenshot
January 12 - 2004 - Monday
Happy new year all! Some things happened during christmas, but not that
much. Right now, lot of work have piled up, and I need to take some
weeks off Haphazard to clear things up. I'll report of the progress