
Getting started
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Version history and plans
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Last updated: 2004-10-08

[2004] >>
December 23 - 2003 - Tuesday
Our new developer Horatio completes the refactoring of the ground item
list into a tree. Now you don't have to pick up those containers to
see (and get) whats inside!
December 15 - 2003 - Monday
The say command is in place, the character now can talk ^_^. It is
time for christmas and updates will be more sparse for the coming weeks.
Merry christmas and a happy new year!
December 08 - 2003 - Monday
Last week we reached a major goal and one minor goal. The major goal
was one postponed for version 0.2, namely the Cloth doll sprite
generation system. This basically means that your character now will
reflect its equipment. The minor goal was specialized containers, you
can now define containers that are specific for certain items. For
example a quiver that holds 20 arrows or a scabbard for a short sword.
(Boots with knife containers are possible and so on...). Freerider fixed
a nice tree with leaves and a bug sweep was performed. All in all, a
pretty good week. This week will concentrate on multiplayer
functionality and graphics fixing.
December 01 - 2003 - Monday
Oooh, it's december! Last week saw progress towards the cloth doll
sprite generation and the "camera lock" minor goal was reached. The team
has a new member on the try-out, Horatio will help us with the
implementation and take some of the load off my shoulders which is very
helpful. Horatios first task is to fix support for picking up stuff that
resides in a container on the ground. This is because right now, you
have to pick up the container to see whats inside, and if it is a heavy
chest, you can't even pick it up (and thus never get the items inside).
I'll continue with the graphics for the cloth doll system and fix some
things with specialized containers (for holding weapons etc). Freerider
is continuing with the design of the 3D client.
November 24 - 2003 - Monday
I changed direction and started fixing the cloth doll sprite generation
system that was mentioned in the 0.2 release schedule but later
postponed. To be able to fix that, I needed an editor for sprites, so I
started coding one. I've been making steady progress over the
weekend and when I'm done with that, I'll go back to the ordinary
goals that was set before.
November 19 - 2003 - Wednesday
Not much code last week, but much designing. Me and Sfera has discussed
lots on quests, I've started designing for trade and Freerider has
beginning thoughts on skeletal animation for the 3D client. I have
much boring stuff to code and just can't seem to get to grips with it.
Oh well, I have to solve it somehow ^_^
November 10 - 2003 - Monday
I just had a silly thought about starting a weekly newsletter, but I
figure Haphazard is not really mature enough for that. So I'll just
post progress here. This past week has featured some designing of the
next step to take and the weekends implementation made the development
reach two minor goals: A nice progress bar in the splash screen and
a refactoring of the FrameImage structure (Graphics stuff). The
refactoring gave me lots of headaches and there are still lots of
new bugs I've introduced to fix. It is still nicer implementation
than before though ^_^. I also introduced seven new items (have drawn
graphics for three of them): Short Sword, Knife, Hand Axe, Pot Helmet,
Chainmail, Leather Trousers and Bracers. The server GUI has seen the
first light and is working somewhat, I'm proceeding with the framework
none the less. The plans for this week includes continuing with the
distributed framework, fix the graphics for the other four items and
more. If I don't get bored until next monday, write you then!
November 05 - 2003 - Wednesday
Haphazard v0.2 released, guidelines for where we're taking Haphazard
in 0.3 up on the version page.
November 04 - 2003 - Tuesday
Huwwa huwwa, lots of bugs found and corrected. After beta 1, there was
beta 1.5 and now beta 2 is out for testing. Hopefully there won't be
_too_ many bugs left, and when they are fixed, v0.2 is going out to
the public and the coding will turn towards implementing the new stuff
for version 0.3.
November 01 - 2003 - Saturday
All new graphics done, gameplay changed from money gathering to
survival... Haphazard v0.2 has gone beta!
October 31 - 2003 - Friday
Yay, a first version of the path planner is done. Have lots of nice ideas
to make navigation more robust. But now onwards to fix the last things
before 0.2b is released to the testers.
Update: All major goals for v0.2 has now been reached. Just some
graphics left to fix before it goes beta!
October 28 - 2003 - Tuesday
Errr, sorry about that last message. We never managed to pick up the
pace again. Too sunny, too many other things to do. But now version 0.2
is coming around the bend, but I won't promise anything ^_^.
June 20 - 2003 - Friday
Some finals, a vacation and a crashed computer later...
All right! We're finally picking up the pace again. Thank you
for your patience!
May 11 - 2003 - Sunday
We decided to release an intermediary version of Haphazard that
solves the known bugs of version 0.1 as a step towards version 0.2.
It is available for download on the download pages!
May 06 - 2003 - Tuesday
Six bugs have been reported by our vigilante beta-testers, Sfera and
Blizz. Three has been fixed and one has been solved by a workaround.
Two more to go!
The first design of the status screen has been decided on and it
resulted in a split to three different screens; an info screen, a
skill screen and a combat screen. Only the skill screen will be
implemented in 0.2, the other two will come in later versions. Also
the design of the threading has reached a quite mature state and the
problem with cloth doll generation is clearing up. All in all, we're in
for less thinking and more coding these coming weeks.
April 30 - 2003 - Wednesday
Rejoyce! Sfera, a fellow crpg developer, has agreed to help us
beta-test Haphazard. This will probably put an end to the most
obvious bugs in our releases. Thanks Sfera!
April 28 - 2003 - Monday
Almost got a working build again after some major refactoring. I hope
these changes will make things easier up front. Almost all minor
goals for v0.2 has been reached, time to attack the major ones.
Will probably take some time ^_^. If anyone feel like beta-testing,
send me a mail! Treefinger at
April 26 - 2003 - Saturday
The inventory screen has been updated after comments from our players.
Description of items has been put in place and the system now allows
for multiple clothes on the same bodypart and a single cloth
covering more than one bodypart. Time to concentrate on some
refactoring and the status screen for a while!
April 21 - 2003 - Monday
Some more things completed in the specification. Back from my break
April 16 - 2003 - Wednesday
The specifications for v0.2 are up. Maybe in this version there will
be sound. Other features to look forward to is AI-controlled NPC.
April 08 - 2003 - Tuesday
Phew, it wasn't an aprils fool below, we really tried. Hope you
didn't mind the wait! Release v0.1 is out! New things is a lot of new
graphics, an optimized graphics engine and inventory!
April 01 - 2003 - Tuesday
Version 0.1 is in the pipes, will probably be accessible sometime this
weekend. It will feature enhanced graphics and an inventory system.
Not much in the form of gameplay enhancements though...
March 25 - 2003 - Tuesday
The inventory and items system are now in place. There are some
adjustments to be done but nothing critical.
March 21 - 2003 - Friday
Good afternoon all! A new screenshot is available showing the current
state of the development. The draft for version 0.1 is complete but
we'll be keeping you in suspense (if anyone reads this).
March 13 - 2003 - Thursday
sw00n people! Newest news is that our graphics department (Freerider) has
speeded the graphics engine up by 30-50%! Pushing the limits! Scenario
for version 0.1 is under discussion on the developer
boards, we'll perhaps pop a completed draft to the forum when we feel
comfortable with it.
March 08 - 2003 - Saturday
w00t people! Haphazards new homepage has suddenly popped up out of nowhere!
(OK, you got me, I was looking for something different to do for a while).
Anyway, here we'll put up any screenshots, plans, news and other silly
things you don't need and don't want to read about. So enjoy!